Restaurant Paneer is Dangerous for Heart & Health: Say No to Artificial Paneer
Reading Time: 4 minutes Spread the love Restaurant Paneer is Dangerous for Heart & Health: Say No to Artificial Paneer. The Rising Demand for Paneer-Based Food…
Dr AvinashTank, is a super-specialist (MCh) Laparoscopic Gastro-intestinal Surgeon,
The colon is the large intestine; it is the lower part of digestive tract. The intestine is a long, tubular organ consisting of the small intestine, the colon (large intestine) and the rectum, which is the last part of the colon. After food is swallowed, it begins to be digested in the stomach and then empties into the small intestine, where the nutritional part of the food is absorbed. The remaining waste moves through the colon to the rectum and is expelled from the body. The colon and rectum absorb water and hold the waste until you are ready to expel it.
Most diseases of the colon are diagnosed with one of two tests: a colonoscopy or barium enema. A colonoscope is a soft, bendable tube about the thickness of the index finger which is inserted into the anus and then advanced through the entire large intestine. A barium enema is a special X-ray where a white milk-shake fluid is flushed into the rectum and by using mild pressure is pushed throughout the entire large intestine. These tests allow the surgeon to look inside of the colon. In case of malignancy, CT scan of abdomen is required to know about local spread of disease.
Long-standing inflammation of esophagus can lead to following complications
Laparoscopic colon surgery is performed through small incisions for various indications.
A cannula (hollow tube) is placed into the abdomen and your abdomen will be inflated with carbon dioxide gas to create a space to operate. A laparoscope (a tiny telescope connected to a video camera) is put through one of the cannulas which projects a video picture of the internal organs and spleen on a television monitor. Several cannulas are placed in different locations on your abdomen to allow your surgeon to place instruments inside your belly to work and remove your colon. After the colon is cut from all that it is connected to, it is placed inside a special bag. The bag with the colon inside is pulled up into one of the small, but largest incisions on your abdomen and colon within the special bag is removed for body.
Common advantages of laparoscopic colon surgery are: Less postoperative pain, shorten hospital stay, quicker return to bowel function, quicker return to normal activity & better cosmetic results.
Treatment aims at decreasing the amount of reflux or reducing damage to the lining of the esophagus from refluxed materials. Life style, dietary modification along with medication are cornerstone of medical treatment.
Surgery now a day used to treat GERD is known as Laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery (medically called as Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication). This surgery involves reinforcing the valve between the esophagus and the stomach by wrapping the upper portion of the stomach around the lowest portion of the esophagus.
In a laparoscopic procedure, surgeons use small incisions to enter the abdomen through cannulas (narrow tube-like instruments). The laparoscope, which is connected to a tiny video camera, is inserted through the small incision, giving the surgeon a magnified view of the patients internal organs on a television screen.
The entire operation is performed inside after the abdomen is expanded by inflating gas into it.
in most cases, you will need some tests before your surgery. The tests routinely used include:
Our expert team of Anaesthetist will ask you questions pertaining to your health and to assess your fitness for surgery. You are requested to tell them in detail about your current and past medical ailments, allergic reactions you’ve had in the past and current medicines that you are taking like blood thinning medicine. This medicine should be stopped prior to surgery to minimize the risk of bleeding during /after surgery.
Anaesthesia is the use of drugs to make the body unable to feel pain for a period of time. General anaesthesia puts you into a deep sleep for the surgery. It is often started by having you breathe into a face mask or by putting a drug into a vein in your arm. Once you are asleep, an endotracheal or ET tube is put in your throat to make it easy for you to breathe. Your heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure (vital signs) will be closely watched during the surgery. A doctor watches you throughout the procedure and until you wake up. They also take out the ET tube when the operation is over. You will be taken to the recovery room to be watched closely while the effects of the drugs wear off. This may take hours. People waking up from general anaesthesia often feel “out of it” for some time. Things may seem hazy or dream-like for a while. Your throat may be sore for a while from the endotracheal (ET) tube.
Informed consent is one of the most important parts of getting ready for surgery. It is a process during which you are told about all aspects of the treatment before you give written permission to perform the surgery.
Depending on the type of operation you have, there may be things you need to do to be ready for surgery:
You may feel pain at the site of surgery. We aim to keep you pain free after surgery with the help of latest and most effective technique or analgesic (pain relieving medicine).
You will be allowed orally liquids once you recover from effect of anaesthesia medicine and you don’t have nausea or vomiting. Gradually you can add soft to normal diet.
Our health care team will try to have you move around as soon as possible after surgery. You are encouraged to get out of bed and walk the same day. While this may be hard at first, it helps speed your recovery. It also helps your circulation and helps prevent blood clots from forming in your legs.
Once you are eating and walking, and then you are ready to go home, in most case in next day following surgery. Before leaving for home our health care team shall give you detailed guidance regarding diet, activities, medications & further plan of treatment
Our health care team shall advise you in detail regarding dietary habits, Briefly, your diet begins with liquids followed by gradual advance to solid foods.
Patients are encouraged to engage in light activity while at home. You will be able to get back to your normal activities within a short amount of time (week).
You may be advised to see our health care team after 1 week to assess your progress and to address your problems.
Award & Presentations
Satisfied Families
Successful Surgeries
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