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Regardless of the weight loss procedure, you will require permanent changes in your eating habits that must be adhered to for successful weight loss. Post-surgery dietary guidelines will vary by bariatric procedure.
Take protein diet as first food and daily target is 60 gm/day.
Take small and frequent meals, about 6 meals a day.
Eat slowly, take 30 minute to eat your meals, Chew foods thoroughly and stop when you feel full.
Do-not skip meals Eat at least three meals a day.
Drink 6-8 glass (250 ml each) of caffeine free, calorie-free ad non-carbonated beverage a day is must. Do-not drink with meal, stop drinking 30 minute before and after your meal.
Take your vitamins and minerals supplement daily as prescribed.
Exercise & Return to regular work
It is important following obesity surgery that you not only alter your eating habits, but also your level of physical activity. Patients are generally recommended to start exercising slowly. As weight loss is achieved, physical activities will gradually become easier.
Walk for 5-10 minute after every few hours.
Start brisk walk after 1 week & increase to 30 min/day after 1 week and then maintain it. This will help to reduce risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Contact to doctor if you develops severe chest pain, sudden onset of shortness of breath or persistent pain in your calf.
Do incentive spirometries exercise for 5 min very 2 hourly for next 1 month. Start this exercise 15 minute after drinking liquids, and then do coughing exercise. Fluids help to liquefy secretions in your lungs.
Driving can be started 15 days after surgery.
Avoid strenuous exercise (weight lifting) for 1 month after surgery.
Contraceptive & Pregnancy
The period between surgery and weight stabilisation is considered as a period of starvation, its usually between 12-18 month. It is not advisable to become pregnant during period.
Regular check-up & long term follow-up
In most cases the surgery is a tool to limit what happens internally but you are still in control of what you put into your mouth. If you have previously attended a slimming club for 6 months or more and lost more than 10kg doing so, you are probably more likely to do well with surgery than if you haven’t.
Your weight loss surgeon will advise you weight loss surgery on the timing and frequency of necessary follow-up visits as part of their post-operative care program. Follow-up will be unique to your individual procedure and circumstances.