Dr AvinashTank, is a super-specialist (MCh) Laparoscopic Gastro-intestinal Surgeon,

Real vs. Fake Paneer (Analogous Paneer): How to Identify and Health Risks

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Restaurant Paneer is Dangerous for Heart & Health: Say No to Artificial Paneer

Real vs. Fake Paneer (Analogous Paneer): How to Identify and Health Risks. Paneer is a staple in Indian households, known for its rich protein content and creamy texture.

However, the rise of fake paneer (also known as analogous paneer) in the market has raised concerns regarding food safety, legality, and health risks. Many consumers unknowingly purchase synthetic paneer, which can have harmful effects on health.

This blog provides a detailed guide on differentiating between real and fake paneer, testing its purity at home, understanding why the food industry introduced analogous paneer, FSSAI opinion, its legal status, and its potential health damage.

How to Differentiate Between Real and Fake Paneer

Fake paneer is made using starch, synthetic milk, hydrogenated oils, and other non-dairy components, which mimic the texture and appearance of real paneer. However, there are noticeable differences that help in identifying counterfeit products.

 Key Differences Between Real and Fake Paneer


Real Paneer

Fake Paneer (Analogous Paneer)
IngredientsMade from pure cow/buffalo milkMade from synthetic milk, starch, or adulterated ingredients
TextureSoft, slightly grainy, and moistHard, rubbery, and overly smooth
TasteMilky, creamy, and slightly tangyLacks a natural dairy taste, sometimes with an oily aftertaste
SmellMild and fresh dairy aromaCan have a synthetic or oily smell
Reaction to HeatSoftens and releases whey when heatedTurns rubbery, does not release whey, or even melts
Reaction to AcidDissolves slightly in vinegar or lemon juiceStays intact or shows minimal reaction
Storage EffectRetains texture in refrigeration, does not disintegrateMay become sticky or excessively hard

By examining these characteristics, one can identify whether the paneer purchased is genuine or fake.

How to Check the Purity of Real Paneer at Home

If you suspect that the paneer you purchased is fake or adulterated, there are simple at-home tests to verify its authenticity.

1. Iodine Test for Starch


1. Take a small piece of paneer.

2. Add two drops of iodine solution to it.

3. If the paneer turns blue or black, it indicates the presence of starch, which means it is fake paneer.

4. If there is no color change, the paneer is pure.

 2. Boiling Test


1. Boil a small portion of paneer in water for 5–10 minutes.

2. Real paneer will become soft while retaining its texture.

3. Fake paneer will turn rubbery and hard, indicating synthetic additives.

 3. Lemon Juice Test


1. Crush a small portion of paneer and mix it with lemon juice or vinegar.

2. Real paneer will disintegrate slightly due to the acidic reaction.

3. Fake paneer remains intact and unresponsive to acid.

4. Oil Absorption Test


1. Place a piece of paneer on tissue paper and press gently.

2. Fake paneer will leave an oily residue, indicating the presence of hydrogenated oils.

3. Real paneer will not release excessive oil.

These quick tests help in ensuring that you consume genuine paneer, free from harmful adulterants.


Why Did the Food Industry Introduce Analogous Paneer in India?

The introduction of analogous paneer in the Indian food industry was driven by several factors:

1. Cost Reduction: Since real dairy paneer is expensive to produce, synthetic alternatives allow manufacturers to reduce production costs.

2. Increased Shelf Life: Fake paneer lasts longer than real paneer, making it suitable for commercial use in restaurants, hotels, and fast-food chains.

3. High Demand and Low Supply: The growing demand for paneer led manufacturers to find cheaper substitutes.

4. Texture and Appearance: Some manufacturers claim that analogous paneer provides consistent texture, which is preferred in processed foods.

5. Dairy Shortages: Seasonal variations in milk production often create supply shortages, leading to the use of non-dairy substitutes.

Despite its commercial advantages, analogous paneer poses serious health risks, leading to concerns over its safety.

What is FSSAI Opinion Regarding Analogous Paneer?

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has taken a strict stance on the production and sale of fake paneer.

1. Mandatory Labeling: FSSAI mandates that any non-dairy paneer alternative must be clearly labeled as “Analogue Paneer” and must not mislead consumers.

2. Ban on Starch-Based Paneer: In 2021, FSSAI issued a warning against the use of starch and synthetic additives in paneer.

3. Regular Testing: The food regulatory body conducts regular checks to prevent the sale of adulterated paneer in the market.

4. Public Awareness: FSSAI encourages consumers to check labels and conduct basic purity tests at home.

 Is It Legal to Sell Analogous Paneer in India?

The sale of analogous paneer is legal in India only if it meets FSSAI guidelines. However, the unauthorized sale of fake paneer as real paneer is illegal.

• Legal Sale: If manufacturers clearly label the product as “Analogous Paneer”, it is allowed for sale.

• Illegal Sale: If fake paneer is falsely marketed as real dairy paneer, it is considered food fraud and can result in legal action.

• Punishment: Sellers caught distributing adulterated paneer face fines, license cancellation, and imprisonment under the FSSAI Act, 2006.

Consumers must be aware of misleading packaging and always verify the ingredients list before purchasing paneer.

H2: Health Risks of Consuming Fake Paneer

Consuming fake paneer made from starch, synthetic milk, and chemicals can lead to serious health problems.

H3: 1. Digestive Disorders

Fake paneer contains starch and synthetic additives, which can cause bloating, diarrhea, and indigestion.

H3: 2. Kidney and Liver Damage

The chemical preservatives and hydrogenated oils used in fake paneer can damage kidney and liver function over time.

H3: 3. Increased Risk of Heart Disease

Hydrogenated oils contain trans fats, which increase bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise the risk of heart disease.

H3: 4. Food Poisoning & Toxicity

Poorly made synthetic paneer can be contaminated with harmful bacteria, leading to food poisoning and infections.

H2: Final Verdict: Always Choose Real Paneer!

To protect your health, always buy real paneer from trusted sources and conduct purity tests at home. Avoid consuming unbranded paneer that lacks proper labeling.


1. FSSAI Guidelines on Milk & Dairy Products: www.fssai.gov.in

2. Research on Food Adulteration: Indian Journal of Food Science, 2023

3. Consumer Reports on Fake Paneer: Food Safety Magazine, 2024

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