Dr AvinashTank, is a super-specialist (MCh) Laparoscopic Gastro-intestinal Surgeon,

Latest Research & Treatment of Diabetes Mallitus.

Latest Research & Treatment of Diabetes Mallitus.

Reading Time: 2 minutes Spread the love         Latest Research & Treatment of Diabetes Mallitus. Type 2 diabetes, a condition where your body struggles to regulate blood sugar, affects millions worldwide. While it’s not currently “curable,” the good news is, remission is…

Why Weight Loss is Necessary: Beyond the Aesthetics

Why Weight Loss is Necessary: Beyond the Aesthetics

Reading Time: 3 minutes Spread the love         Why Weight Loss is Necessary: Beyond the Aesthetics. In a world obsessed with appearance, it’s easy to believe that weight loss is solely about achieving a certain aesthetic ideal. While looking and feeling good…

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