Dr AvinashTank, is a super-specialist (MCh) Laparoscopic Gastro-intestinal Surgeon,


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I combine my medical trip with tourism in India?

Yes, many medical tourists combine their treatment with tourism activities in

The country offers a rich cultural heritage, diverse landscapes, and popular
tourist destinations, allowing visitors to explore and enjoy their time in India.

Are there any risks or complications associated with medical tourism in India?

As with any medical procedure, there are inherent risks and potential
complications involved. However, choosing reputable hospitals, following pre-
and post-treatment guidelines, and engaging in thorough communication with
the healthcare providers can minimize such risks.

Does Indian medical insurance cover international patients?

Indian medical insurance typically caters to Indian citizens, and international
patients may not be eligible for coverage. However, it is advisable to check
with your insurance provider to explore any available options or consider
purchasing international medical travel insurance.

Can I bring a companion with me during my medical trip to India?

Yes, you should bring a companion with you during your medical trip to India.
We provide accommodation options for patients and their companions,
allowing them to stay together and provide emotional support during the
treatment process.

Can I consult with doctors in India before making a decision?

Yes. We always encourage oversee person to consult our doctor before they
plan to travel through video conferencing or telemedicine. This allows you to
discuss your medical condition, seek opinions, and gather information before
making a decision.

How do I plan for aftercare once I return to my home country?

We always provide you with a detailed aftercare plan and instructions to follow
once you return to your home country.
It may involve regular check-ups, medication management, rehabilitation, or
any other necessary measures for a successful recovery.

We always one click away to solve any of your health issue via WhatsApp or
Quick Video Consultation.

Can I get post-treatment follow-up care in my home country?

Yes, it is possible to arrange for post-treatment follow-up care in your home
We maintain communication with patients and their local doctors to ensure
seamless continuity of care after returning home.

How long should I plan to stay in India for medical treatment?

The duration of your stay in India will depend on the nature of your medical
treatment or procedure. It can range from a few days for minor procedures to
several weeks for complex treatments or surgeries. Get Quick Video
Consultation with us to understand your recovery time and stay in
Ahmedabad (India).

What diseases can be detected by an endoscopy?
Upper GI endoscopy can be used to identify many different diseases:
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease.
  • ulcers.
  • cancer link.
  • inflammation, or swelling.
  • precancerous abnormalities such as Barrett’s esophagus.
  • celiac disease.
  • strictures or narrowing of the esophagus.
  • blockages.
Is laparoscopic surgery more expensive than open surgery?

In general, laparoscopic surgery tends to be more expensive than open surgery due to several factors.

The equipment required for laparoscopic surgery, such as specialized instruments, video monitors, and high-resolution cameras, can be costly.

Additionally, laparoscopic surgery often requires more advanced training and expertise from the surgical team, which can contribute to higher costs.

The benefits of laparoscopic surgery for digestive organs is remarkable; less pain, early return to home and early return to work save a lot of indirect expenses.

So at the end, the cost of laparoscopic surgery is equal or marginally higher with open surgery at the end of 3 to 6 months.

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