Dr AvinashTank, is a super-specialist (MCh) Laparoscopic Gastro-intestinal Surgeon,

Difference between white rice and brown rice for diabetes control

Category: Health Tips

Whole grain Indian food for Diabetes reversal

Whole grain Indian food for Diabetes reversal

Reading Time: 2 minutes Spread the love         Diabetes patients can incorporate various Indian food grains into their diet while considering their impact on blood sugar levels.   Here are some Indian food grains that are generally considered suitable for diabetes patients:…

Can Diabetic person eat the mango?

Can Diabetic person eat the mango?

Reading Time: 7 minutes Spread the love         Introduction How a Diabetic person can enjoy the eating of mango? health benefits of Mango? Composition of mango in term of nutrients Mango & Glycemic index and Glycemic load? 5 reasons why fructose sugar…

Best 5 Indian Food and Fruits to Heal Pancreatitis

Best 5 Indian Food and Fruits to Heal Pancreatitis

Reading Time: 3 minutes Spread the love    1    Title: Top 8 Indian Foods & Fruits to Heal Pancreatitis Introduction Pancreatitis is a serious condition characterized by the inflammation of the pancreas, a vital organ responsible for producing enzymes and hormones that aid…



Reading Time: < 1 minute Spread the love         Who is Happy? This is a person who has healthy body, is dowered with peace of mind and cultivates his talents. To become a happy Detox your body and mind. Daily good sleep…

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