Dr AvinashTank, is a super-specialist (MCh) Laparoscopic Gastro-intestinal Surgeon,

Foreign Body Ingestion

Foreign body ingestion and food bolus impaction occur commonly. The majority of ingested foreign bodies will pass spontaneously without the need for intervention.

Risk Factor

The majority of foreign body ingestions occur in the children ages of 6 months and 6 years. In adults, foreign body ingestion occurs more commonly in those with psychiatric disorders, developmental delay & alcohol intoxication. Edentulous adults are also at greater risk of ingesting foreign bodies, including an obstructing food bolus or their dental prosthesis. Patients presenting with food bolus impaction often have underlying esophageal pathology directly leading to the impaction. Commonly ingested foreign body are short-blunt objects (coins), long objects (more than 6 cm: tooth brush), sharp pointed objects (chicken & fishbones, paperclips, toothpicks, needles, dental bridges), disk batteries, magnets, narcotics packets.


X-ray is initial investigation to location the site of foreign body. But few things are not visible by x ray like fishbone.




Endoscopy is the first line of treatment for removal of foreign body. The timing of the removal depends on the patient age and clinical condition; the size, shape, content, anatomic location of the ingested object, and the time since ingestion. Emergent endoscopy is advised if patients has esophageal obstruction (ie, unable to manage secretions), disk batteries in the esophagus & sharp-pointed objects in the esophagus Urgent endoscopy is advised for esophageal foreign objects that are not sharp-pointed, esophageal food impaction in patients without complete obstruction, sharp-pointed objects in the stomach or duodenum, objects more than 6 cm in length at or above the proximal duodenum & magnets within endoscopic reach.



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